The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan is an allegorical drama that deals with the spiritual progress of the human soul towards heaven. Bunyan was a preacher and he wanted to bring people to the right path so that they could all attain salvation. He wanted the people to adopt ways that would enable them to throw off their burden of sins and become the elect of God. Bunyan had read novels and romances wherein brave soldiers fought against giants and dragons. So he thought of presenting the human soul as a knight going towards the Heavenly city and on the way fighting the forces of evil in the form of giants and dragons. Thus, in The Pilgrim’s Progress in which the progress of the soul towards salvation is shown as a pilgrimage from the city of Destruction to the celestial city. In this text, Bunyan teaches the sinners the mistakes they do on their way to salvation.Instead of writing a book in the form of sermons or advices, Bunyan wrote his text by presenting the struggle of the hu...
Bring out the allegorical and symbolical elements in The Pilgrim’s Progress. An allegory is a story or description in which abstract qualities, virtues and vices are personified and appear as characters. In a moral allegory, the characters representing virtue argue and fight against the characters representing vice and finally there is victory of virtue over vice. The Pilgrim’s Progress is the most faithful example of an allegory.Bunyan has used an allegorical mode to represent his religious ideas in the most effective way. Also, Bunyan had read Bible and it taught him that truth is easily understood when it is shown through the shape of parables, metaphors or allegories.Bunyan took his symbols from the Bible and the allegorical elements from his life and surroundings.Christ had said “I am the gate” through which a devotee can reach heaven. Hence, Bunyan made the wicket gate that stands for Jesus. Jesus called himself a shepherd who guided his followers as a shepherd guid...